Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thanks for a great Tuesday guys!

Man, I sure am late with this but it's better late than never huh?

I haven't been able to scan any of the pictures I drew on the night (all of them being rather lewd :s), but I can atleast show you a direct result of the meeting.

This is a WIP of Sam the Swamp monster that I created on this fateful May Tuesday, he started off as a fun brainfart but I'm afraid I have developed it into something more.

Next time I definately want to get a prompt from someone. :D It was super fun!

Asta & Thor


Rickart said...

Wow, cool! It’s not a frog, not a tiger, not a bear…

Nifty lighting effects on the water and on the creature!

I was prepared to generate a prompt at the meeting, but everyone seemed to be pretty well motivated, so I didn’t bother. I would be interested in hearing what others have to say about whether or not they want a prompt.

Asta said...

Thank you! :D Mind you it's still a WIP.

But I totally agree, I think it's awesome to see how different people come up with different things from the same prompt. It'd be interesting. :)

Rickart said...

BTW, I had a look at your webcomic... quite well drawn and original. You folks aren't timid about your political views, I'll give you that! :)